Monday, August 27, 2012


I can't believe it's been one year already! Well actually it won't be until the 4th of September. Which also happens to be my birthday yaaay! But since I'm in a best-girlfriend-in-the-world kind of mood, I pulled an all-nighter to make a video (pfft it's nothing much, just me being awesome). All videos were taken earlier today. This was supposed to be a surprise, but there's not much room for discretion since he was the one being video-d so yeah do the math.

But despite this exemplary, diabetic-inducing gesture, don't expect me to be like "OMG we're super perfect like for each other like". Because boy! Was that one rough year! We drove each other crazy! We were in each other's nerves almost all the time. Individually, we were emotional screw ups. Imagine the fun when you put two together. I was having a hard time shouldering his sensitivities and he was struggling to be thick-skinned with mine. It was a seemingly hopeless case. *insert adorable sighing emoticon here*

But see, I'd be lying if I say that it was all about struggles. Well duh we wouldn't have reached one year if that were true. Diba? In a twisted way, we click. It's hard to explain. You know when they say that's it's good when two people have so much in common? Well Raffy is me, in pants. Again yeah, the similarity has stirred countless issues. But at the end of the day, we get each other. We can laugh over dark, depressing humor. We get each other's kinks. I can read him like a toddler's book. When I'm acting like a toddler, he knows just what to say. We enjoy being bored together. Everyday we see each other,  never running out things to talk and brood about. I am his cheerleader, he is my shrink. 

The whole equation of us is strange. Some may not see the point. It's unconventional. It's painful. It's crazy. It's a constant roller coaster. But through all that, it's the kind that you never can leave behind. Like a drug. Him and me, we just can't get enough of each other. Oh and have I mentioned that I love him? Like a lot. Well not like it's that big of a deal.

The Shrink and the Chef. Man, that was lousy.
On a friend's birthday...
And another's.
Naga City 2012
Once there were two sober people. And then they were not.
Mall. Mirror. Picture. Like normal people, yes.
Who wouldn't love someone with a face like that?
Baccalaureate Mass
Graduation day YIPEE!!!
Went out to get haircuts. We're romantic like that.
Piano Recital. Status: Proud Girlfriend
Love yew!

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