Friday, August 17, 2012

Back is the new Black

Okay. So I recently (and by recently I mean just now) changed my blog title. Yeah yeah because it's a Smiths song blah blah, but mainly because I usually do not get what I want. And it sucks like the size of Hulk's fist. Both fists. You get me? No? Okay. 

No really. I love this song. It's almost like it wasn't well thought of. Just a whiny, old bloke with a repetitive rant. But in so many ways, it smacks you right where you need to be smacked.

(For those who have not, for the love of God, heard this song yet, here I shed some light on your lives. You're very welcome.)

"Good times for a change. See the life I had can make a good man bad. So for once in my life please, please, please let me get what I want this time."

How so very cliche of me, I know. Story of my life. The end. Bu-bye!

Anyway. So I've been wanting to go back to the old blogwagon (see what I did there? Hah!) but couldn't find the right things to write. Or the write things to right. Wuht?! Sheesh never mind! Anywaaaaayforreal.. I have been out of school for almost 6 months already. And have been a bum since then. All I do is o out and go to the mall. My parents are so proud! Well at least the one I still talk to. M is for Mom, M is for MIA. 

On the few occasions that I am not occupied by my very busy, to-die-for schedule, I've been trying to find a job here and there. So far, nothing. I mean I've gotten calls, but not from the ones I like. I have 2 interviews this week and I am keeping all 20 freaking fingers crossed! I mean yeah, it's easy this way - sleep and get up whenever you want to, lay in bed all day long, do nothing - but it gets boring. And completely unproductive. I hate being useless! Break's over. Who goes to school more than half of their lives only to make best friends with their couch? I know I didn't. And people just won't stop hammering me! I'm not usually the kind to pressure oneself, but gee with all the hammering I get, who wouldn't? 

I kind of talked to my dad about it. Being all apologetic for still being a 102-pound parasite. Telling him that all the wait is only because I wanna do something that'll make him proud. That I know how disheartened he is, but I still want him to support me. You know the drill, problem child wooing a disappointed parent. 80% of me was expecting he'd understand and be all it's-okay-child on me. Apparently, 20% won. Boo you statistics! Imagine being told to shove your shit down your ass and then being compared to your genius of a cousin who is on her way to being a lawyer. Wow that felt so good! Dear cousin, wanna trade dads? Love, Me. 

Well so much for a happy good night story huh? Life just won't stop getting better! *Smile smile wink wink* 


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