Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Welcome to the club.

My very sarcastic, very blunt, very pessismist friend texted me this afternoon. He seems emotional. I thought he was just trying to make me take the bait, symphatize and laugh his ass off afterwards. As usual.

But the way I know him, he's like biologically allergic to drama and relationship- related feelings. He would always tell me that I'm way too dramatic and exxagerated. But today, he seems to be wearing the shoes I wore so long ago. So I called him.

I guessed right. He is, indeed, standing on the same dark, sad spot I stood and left many many months ago.

It's sad that people have to go through these things. That heartbreak spares no one the hurt. Heartbreak so ruthlessly disregards the frailty of people. It eludes no one. Not women, not men. It acts as if it owns the world. Like it could churn and burn anyone it wishes to churn and burn.

And I know he thinks that I find this whole thing a laughing matter. But truth be told, I really do feel for him. It's bad enough that I was once the miserable one. It's worse that someone else has to walk the long ,crazy steps I traveled.

I wish I have the magic words to make him feel better. Even in the slightest way. I know he's always so mean to me, but to actually feel his hurt, it's beyond painful as a friend. I know he'll get through this. Maybe not as gracious as anybody else, but still. He'll get throught this. I honestly think and hope so.